Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Last Week of 2011

The week between Christmas and New Year's Day is a time to reflect about the old year and what we would like to change in the New Year. It is a sad time for me every year, I can't really explain the hollow and lonesome feelings that I feel to the core of my being each year.  I know I shouldn't feel that way, after all, didn't we just celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ?  I think I feel a weakness of my human side.  I relish in the delighful moments of love shared with special people and the saddness of the challenges, heartaches, losses and disappointments.  And  I get so wrapped up in the holiday hub-bub, the dinners, too much food, shopping and material things, and not enough time nor money to give to all that need either.  Also the realization of how fast time passes.  Wasn't it just yesterday that I was compiling my resolutions for 2011?  What happened to all the self-improvements that I was determined to make?  Time flies for me and when I read the Bible and read that a millennium is a day to the Lord, I want to see the bigger picture as God sees it.  I want to stop fretting over the momentary things and invest my life in things that really matter...relationships, worship, and using the gifts that God has given me to return His love and glory to Him.  Life is too short to trudge along in daily dread, I pray that God will give me the wisdom and the foresight to live each day for eternity with Him.
I said that I was not going to make new resolutions this year but I have changed my mind.  I want to live each day, one day at a time, to its fullest, going full tilt, using every gift God has given to me to share and help others.

Thank you, Lord, for your care and guidance, day by day, your goodness and mercy have  followed me and I am blessed.
Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own.  Today's trouble is enough for today.  Matthew 6:34

Evan's and Brandon's tiny feet this year of 2011

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