Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Color, Color, Fiber and Spinning

I have boxes of fiber washed and ready to prepare to spin and dye in the studio closet, stacked in the spare bedroom, and in my studio.  I had planned on taking a load to a fiber mill to be processed but....Danny suggested I buy a new electric large drum carder instead and process, sell, and spin the fiber myself.

I had mentioned that I would like to have an electric spinner because my legs and hip have been bothering me when I spin.  My dear sweet husband began shopping for one but as he researched, he began ordering parts and getting into my big box of spare and antique spinning wheel parts and the next thing I know he is building me an electric spinner and I now have 3 very nice espinners.

One of the new espinner from my spare parts that Danny built for me.

I love to dye!  I love color!  

Eye Candy!  Soft and easy handle.  Lots of crimp!

These 2 fleeces have a natural luster, long staples of fine wool with all kinds of crimp and movement.

Dyeing wool and  getting ready for that new large electric drum carder.  If any anyone knows of one for sale, please email me at rocnbarc@cvalley.net.  I have all kinds of fiber that needs processed.  Danny and I are doing our research to purchase the right machine to process our fiber.

I am also going to be selling my Patrick Green drum carder.  It is in very good shape.  Interested?

I will  also be selling some of my washed fleeces that I have left from the 2011 shearing.  Contact me if you are interested in Border Leicester  cross fleeces.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fighting a cold, staying in and playing in my studio

I  am a school nurse so I am exposed to many germs daily.  I take a big dose of Vitamin E and D during the cold and flu season....but...I came down with a bad cold a few days ago.   I have been taking cold meds, staying home, getting lots of rest, trying to sleep but this terrible old cold hangs on.  I have found comfort in playing in the wool upstairs in my studio.  I am still carding and spinning Mini's wool.  I am blending alpaca in with Mini's wool  to make a butter soft fiber to spin.

But I can dream or wish:
Wish I could be in Nebraska playing outside with Lexi, my one and only granddaughter.  She is so beautiful inside and outside.  She is going to be having another birthday in just a couple of months.  
Or I could be in Michigan with this playboy.

But I have this cold so I will card wool.

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Danny took a large mother-of-all from some spinning wheel parts and has made me an electric spinner.  I am spinning some of John's wool blended with other courser wool to make yarn to weave into a rug.  (I use every fiber of my sheep's wool).  I will get you some pictures soon.