Monday, June 25, 2012

Miscellaneous Medicinal Monday

A few weekends ago I started watching Pioneer Woman on the Food Network.   Ree is always making something that looks so good that I have to try it.  She made Strawberry Oatmeal Bars on the show I saw on Saturday and low and will power cracked, the next thing I knew yesterday after church, I was standing in the kitchen with 2 sticks of butter and a big bowl and a jar of my fresh freezer peach jam in my hands.  I was measuring and stirring like somebody had a gun in my back and I did not tell Danny until he asked me what smelled so good...a peach pie????
Ree, you have to stop leading me astray!  (did I tell you that she has a very neat blog too?)  pssss....look down at the bottom of my blog and her website is listed


We had a piece hot out of the oven with cool whip...and later we had a bar with supper...or was that supper?

Time to get this puppy covered and put away in the freezer...
 You have read about this auto- immune stuff I have and the frequent infections that I fight...well, the other day I was reading blogs and found some blogs that discuss the benefits of red clover on the liver and the lymph system.  I read the information to Danny and he made comments about if I was thinking of trying it that I had better get the red clover picked or this is how he put it "I will be mowing the pretty little blooms off shortly"  So this afternoon, I reread the information and looked up some more websites and went out to pick my red clover blooms.  I brought them into the house and rinsed them well with cold water and let them dry for a while.  I then put some of the blossoms in a quart jar loosely and poured ...are you ready for this?  Vodka 80 proof ...I used cherry flavored...and I added some everclear 190 just to be on the safe side to make this tincture...let the jar set at least 6 weeks, strain the liquor off and throw away the clover.  Administer 5 drops with an eye dropper under the tongue to help fight off infections.  I think I shall take my 5 drops at bedtime just in case.

This would have to make you feel better wouldn't it?  You did notice that I got Cherry Vodka didn't you?  Some of the universities have articles on their web sites and red clover does have some medicinal qualities.  

why do they call it red clover, it is purple?  I also had read how to brew red clover tea  so I tried that too.  

I poured almost boiling water over the clovers and added one of my Herbal peach flavor tea bags and about a teaspoon of locally collected honey...not bad!  mmmm, it says for me to drink 2-3 cups a day.  That won't be a problem, it is pretty good.  By the way this is a non-alcoholic drink!

1 comment:

  1. Looks pretty. I hope it works. Oh and your desert looks devish!


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