Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fun on the Spinning C in the sunshine

Can you believe this hair cut?  I was so beautiful with my long wool.

Speckles, a twin to Teddy and daughter of Bonnie.
This is little Lucy, a shetland ewe.  She is watching as John is making over Danny. 

Sissy is cleaning John's nose. 

Maggie following mom, Sugar Top, and enjoying the warm sunshine.
  Maggie is really growing fast.  She is not going to be a people sheep.

Here they come single file.  Pretty Girl...Not...that looks like she is having triplets anytime now.  The babies have dropped.

BFL / Corriedale ewe.  Snuggles

Silly John can't get close enough to Danny.  He actually gives hugs and loves to be with his humans.  He makes us laugh!

Danny was getting a little nervous worrying if John was going to nip his ear but he didn't...he just likes the hat!

Teddy watching John play with Danny...he can't hardly stand it.

Both of the boys walked with Danny  and really enjoys his company.
We had fun in the sun and the silly boys did too!


  1. Oh I so enjoyed the pictures especially of John. He made me remember our Sammy the Suffolk. He was huge and LOVEABLE! He was our ambassador and was sooo lovey-dovey. He has only been gone a year now and it is still lonely with out him. Fraser our Shetland is such a grouch! (and I bottle fed him)!
    Blessings Linnie

  2. Ahhh! A picture of Danny. Looks just like I thought. Your sheep are adorable and looking good without their coats. I can't believe your grass. Green. It is snowing here today, funny it does not feel cold though. Long way from green grass. Sorry i said Montana the other day. I knew Missouri, just daaaaa! They both start with M.New grandbaby yet???

  3. Hello there!

    I popped over to your place from Linnie's place, and had to introduce myself! We live in Kansas City at present, while waiting for the Lord to provide us a homestead around Branson.

    Your sheep are so beautiful; you must be in fleece heaven about this time of year!

    Blessings to you,



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