Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Trenton Bulldogs JV wins again

Water Break!

Wyatt blocking

Sorry, didn't get any pictures of tackles...next time!
Danny heard people talking about a storm with potential flooding rains approaching.  Trenton had won 41 to 0.  We left soon after the game was over to start the hour drive back home.  We turned on the local radio channel for the latest weather report.  50-60 mile an hour winds hit Trenton about 5 minutes after we left the city.  We were soon driving in heavy rains and strong winds...what a trip.  I held my breathe with white knuckles as we drove across the West Yellow Creek wet plains that flood when someone up north spits...I was so afraid  that we would be swept off the road into the creek but it was not flowing fast yet.  It was raining so hard that we could not see if the water was over the road when we approached the bottoms.  
We made it home safe but I was so wound for sound and could not go to sleep until after midnight...  so I watched the KC Chiefs win their Monday Night game! 
Way to go Wyatt, I am very proud of you...not just because of your ability to play football but because what an honorable and smart young man you have become.   

1 comment:

  1. That kind of driving you want to do without.WE had quite a storm yesterday but just constant rain. Today is sunny and cool, but I'll take the sun anyday. Glad you made it home safe.



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