Monday, February 18, 2013

Making the most of the Sun

As I write this post about our activities over the week end, the wind is howling  and the temps are dropping fast.  We listen to the weather reports predicting a winter storm to hit us on Wednesday night.

Danny Digging Fence post holes to build the fence around the pond.  We had a sunny and warm week end  so we  wanted to get the fence built before grazing time.  All the corner post holes are dug...looking for a winter storm this coming week.  Hard to believe, it is in the 50s today and the sun is shining.  We filled the big bale hay feeders for the cows so we will be ready if the weather gets  as bad as they are predicting it will.

I had my camera with me and shot this picture from where we were working on  digging the fence post holes.  I love  the skys when they are this blue.  I feel very blessed today.  

The pick up doors seem to always be standing open when we are working  in the fields, dogs go in and out and I am always looking for a tool, a hammer, or a shovel.

Einstein hunting while we work...he thinks he owns the place.  (He does)!

The cows ready to calf are lying on their hay in the sum.  This  hay was baled from the south meadow in mid June last summer and the cows and sheep are eating it like it is candy.  It smells so good.  

Sugar, my pet cow up close to the pick up window.  She has been butting the dirt near the holes we have been digging.  Then we have to take the post hole diggers and clean out the holes before we can put in the heavy post.

Sheep on the hill eating their hay.  The big white dogs, lay in the sun, catching some zs.

Fibers ready to blend on the carder;  silk, 3 types wool, bamboo...all ready to make a beautiful batt.

a finished batt.

The batts after they have been spun...I am not sure what I will make with this yarn.  This picture does not capture the colors and the spark of the silk.  It is also more looks so rich.  I am very happy with this blend.

I made 4 more batts tonight so I can spin up more yarn.
Macy waiting for me to play with her.

Sissy all smiles, she is by my side day and night.

Steiner ready to play ball.

Isn't he cute?


  1. Where is your snow????
    We are up to our eye balls up here. More to come today. More snow days then school days.
    Love your coloured wool. Just beautiful.
    Lambs yet?

  2. You have all our snow! I never thought that I would want more snow in February but we will take any moisture we can get at this point. It is cold today and they are predicting some moisture for us on Thursday. I hope we have two snow days...Thursday and Friday!
    No lambs yet, should start about March 15th...are you done?


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