Danny was helping his brother hay today so the remaining kitchen project was put on hold. I decided that I would clean out the
refrigerator. I had some vegetables in the crisper that needed to be used...ta da...a salad! And make my shopping list for next week.
I washed and cut up peppers, green, red, celery, onion , cauliflower, onion, tomatoes, radishes and carrots. And the kitchen sink (Note to self....add fresh vegetables to grocery list) |
Isn't this the prettiest color...I love the vibrant color of a red pepper. We also like the taste of a red or yellow peppers...full of vitamin C too. |
I cooked the pasta in a pan of salt water ...making sure to not over cook , drained and rinsed with cold water and drained again before adding to the chopped vegetables. (need to add pasta to shopping list) |
I poured a generous amount of Wishbone Italian dressing over the vegetables and pasta and stirred. (need to add dressing to the shopping list too) |
This salad lasts a long time in the refrigerator and so handy to have ready at meal time...the cool salad hits the spot on a hot day.
I also cut up the first cantaloupe from Danny's patch. It is still firm but very sweet (take cantaloupe off the list since they will be coming out of the patch) |
I love the Out of Milk App on my cell phone. I started making my grocery list today for next week. I can even scan the bar code on my empty containers and it adds the item to my list. How neat is that. I have used the Out of Milk app for over a year now...I never leave my list at home anymore because I always have my phone with me. As I put the item in my cart, I just cross the item out my list with a push of a button. |
this app is free too. |
I love to read other people's blogs and pinterest. I tried one of the cleaning mixtures today on an old bottle that I found in the hollow of the old maple tree that was in the back yard. It is an old whiskey bottle that someone had threw in the old hollow tree to hide it. People tell us that there was a German family that lived in this house many years ago. They ate 4 or 5 times a day and made wine and drank wine with their meals. The old bottle was filled with dirt and I have tried to clean it with many different store purchased products. The old bottle says..."Federal law forbids sale or reuse of this bottle" at the top. At the bottom is 3 men's names. The outside of the bottle is scratched but no cracks in it. I know it is just an old bottle but I feel like it tyes me to the past somehow. Think Paw was tipping the bottle out back and hid his bottles in the old tree so Maw wouldn't find out? I know it is old and part of the story of our farm.... Soooo...I tried the recipe to remove soap scum from bathtubs and shower doors that different bloggers are raving about.
I heated a cup of vinegar in the microwave and added Dawn dish detergent to the vinegar and pour into the old bottle...here are the before and after pictures.
the before...the bottle on the right
I let the vinegar and Dawn sit in the bottle for a couple of hours
It didn't get all the white off but it clearly did better than any of the store purchased cleaners. I plan to get a spray bottle and heat up another cup of vinegar and mix about a cup of dawn to the vinegar and pour in the spray bottle to clean the walls and doors of the shower...they say to just spray it on and leave over night and the soap scum will come right off. Worth a try and no dangerous chemicals..cheap too. (Note to self: add vinegar and Dawn to grocery list:)
My green beans...but the problem is: they bloomed and did not set on any beans! Maybe if it cools for a few days we will have some green beans...this has been a crazy summer!...Note: add green beans to grocery list!
This is the BFL wool that I pictured on the blog yesterday, I attempted to Navajo ply again...I will continue to practice. Maybe by the time I have worked up Liam's fleece, I will get a consistent yarn.
I will have fun trying to perfect my Navajo plying. while spinning some of the Spinning c fiber.
Dear God, Freedom has always meant to me that I could do anything or have anything I wanted. That just made me a slave to my own desires. That is not freedom, being trapped in destructive habits, hurtful relationships, and even powerful addictions. That's bondage. When I learned about Jesus, I saw the truth: I am a needy person who needs a merciful God. Only you can provide what I am looking for. Only you can provide the path to freedom. thank you for teaching me that freedom is found in living a life consistent with truth, in a way that keeps my heart, mind, body, and soul all free. True freedom comes when the reality of your holiness overpowers my sinful inclinations and fills my life with the fullness of your liberating love. Lord, I ask for your forgiveness and I thank you for the many blessings small and large that you have given me. Please walk with me everyday. Please bless my neighbors, family and friends. Thank you so much for blessing this farm, Lord...help me be a good steward of your land and animals and crops. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen
The Scriptures declare that we are all prisoners of sin, so we receive God's promise of freedom only by believing in Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:22 |
Thank's for sharing the homemade cleaner tip. I'm going to whip up some and use it on our shower. I'm always happy to find some cleaner recipes that aren't as toxic as store bought cleaners.
ReplyDeleteThe wool is GORGEOUS by the way! LOVE the color!
I love looking in on your day. Good job on the bottle. I have tried everything for our old bottles here and gave up. Bleach doesn't work. I shall try your recipe. terrible to hear about your beans. One more thing struck by the heat and lack of rain I guess. My hit is eating cucumbers. The pickling ones turned out fine. Also the racoons got the peas.I like peas fresh only! we are back into no rain mode. Long range forcast calls for sunshine. Good for drying clothes but one fears to do too much wash! Have ablessed weekend my friend.