I leaned the drying rack up against the Coffman's old M tractor hoping that the wind would help me clean the wool of vm before I washed the wool. This is two racks clamped together with wood clamps.

This is not a good picture of my drying racks that I also use to skirt on. I set it on sawhorses and skirt my fleece then I clamped another rack on top and let it set out in a good breeze that also helps to get rid of any vm that is loose.
This wool is not dirty, I know it looks that way but John's wool was brown and gray and then after about 3 inches, the fleece turns white. It looks gray when I card and spin it with a little brown tint. John is a Corriedale shetland cross. He is almost a full sized corriedale. He has always been friendly, loves people and especially my grand daughter. His fleece was unusual so I kept him for a pet for Lexi. He is still a nice and friendly boy. Lexi will be wanting some John Connor socks. (Lexi named him, John Connor. I asked her who John Connor was and she saved he saved the univere...how could I get rid of a John Connor then?)

length is 5 1/2 inches long. I use a very large chicken wire so as much of the vm will fall through.
The weather has not cooperated much since we sheared the sheep so once school is out and the weather is warm, I will try to wash 2 fleeces a day.
Sarita, I am drooling over your fleeces!